We have released a new video on our YouTube channel!

We have released a new video on our YouTube channel!

Hello, there!

We have released a new video, Part 2-4 (with the English subtitles version) of Volleyball from “When you watch something, visit us first!

We interviewed Mr. Futoshi TERAMAWARI, General Manager of PFU Blue Cats Ishikawa Kahoku, about when the momentum shifts in Volleyball this time. Mr. TERAMAWARI was the Head coach of Men’s Volleyball National team as well as Team Manager of Women’s Volleyball National Team.

We will release videos at 1700pm (JST) on every Friday. Thank you!



PFUブルーキャッツ石川かほくのGMである寺廻太さんに、バレーボールの試合において流れが変わる時について伺いました。 寺廻さんは全日本男子バレーボールチーム監督や(公財)日本バレーボール協会女子強化委員長などを歴任された方です。


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